Monthly Archives: June 2013

14-2013 Life of Pi (or, why you should never ever give up)

I just saw a video recording of the movie “Life of Pi”, thanks to my neighbour, a school teacher and a Catholic nun. It reminds me of my personal inspiration mantra: “never ever give up”.

The book itself, is an example of why one should “never ever give up”. Life of Pi, a fantasy adventure novel by Yann Martel, was originally rejected by at least five London publishing houses. Nevertheless, the novel was published in 2001, in Canada, and has sold more than ten million copies since then. It eventually won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 2002. It has also been awarded a whole lot of prizes and awards worldwide. In 2012 it was adapted into a theatrical feature film, by 20th Century Fox, and directed by Ang Lee with a screenplay by David Magee.

The story of the book’s hero Pi Patel, is one more reason to believe in the saying “never ever give up”. He survives a shipwreck for 277 days, living with a ferocious spotted hyena and a Bengal tiger.

Read more about this amazing novel/movie at :: .


One more marketing goon works up his desperate tricks to build business.

AXIS Bank, sends me regularly, a flood of unsolicited (unwelcome) mail, promoting its services and products. This is the best way to lose goodwill, and even lose business. My attempts to contact them directly and stop this nuisance have not worked.

If anyone with any senses, from AXIS Bank is reading this post, please stop sending spam mails to customers, IMMEDIATELY. You should be ashamed of your indecent and unethical behaviour !


(Customer of AXIS Bank Secunderabad)